I read a post on a blog called Life Blessons (love this blog!) in which the blogger wrote about how she viewed Jesus as a child. I wanted to take a lil' time to do that as well...
It's funny to me - when I was a kid, I believed God could REALLY do AAANNNYYYTHING! I didn't question WHY He loved me. I just knew that He did because I'd heard that He loved the world so much that He sent His Son to die AND that God had raised Him from the dead. I knew the basics of the Gospel. I believed in my heart and confessed with my mouth.
Picture it: circa 2001. Mid-week. About 2 pm. I'm about 12 years old at this point. I'm inside my house while my mother is outside taking clothes off of the clothesline. It's a windy, summer day...
"I'm pretty sure she should be done taking the clothes off the line by now...hmm...I wonder what's taking so long."
It's a lazy, summer day for me and boy, am I lazy. I didn't even offer to help my mother take the clothes off of the line. It's too hot for all that mess. Note: I said it was WINDY...layyyy-zzzz
"She's been out there for over half an hour. There ain't THAT many clothes...oh no...what if she passed out?! I'd better go check on her!!"
I open the back door and head outside. Pushing the oval-shaped rims on my face...I peer through the lenses...and what do I see?
A lone laundry basket filled with folded clothing just sitting on the ground under the clothesline.
While taking care of some things this morning, I revisited John 15:1-11 and oh! It blessed me. Ha-ha! It really did. Verses 7 and 8 REALLY stood out to me today:
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. (ESV)
Mmmmyyyyy GOODNESS! I mean, it makes so much sense but I thought..."Hmm...of course if I abide in Him and His words abide in me I will please Him...so since I will please Him, He will be more than happy to do things for me." I mean, when you love someone AND y'all are just tight like that, it really gives you great pleasure to do things for them! Without hesitation! At least that's true for me.
And then verse 8...OF COURSE I WANT HIM TO BE EXALTED!!! Ok, so by abiding in Him, being pruned, and allowing Him to produce fruit in me, and having that FRUIT show, I PROVE that I am His disciple!!!! I want people to know and see that I am HIS! And I PROVE it when they can see my fruit!That love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control mentioned in Galatians 5!
We're now officially in the "season of giving." I've seen what feel like numerous Salvation Army volunteers posted up in front of the entrances to places I frequent ringing that bell for donations. I realized something today as I walked right past the swinging, red bucket TWICE. I realized that with the few nickels and pennies (maybe dimes) that I drop in every time, I've probably not even spent a whole dollar in donations to the S.A. this entire season. Surely because of God's grace, ("God's riches at Christ's expense" for you acronym lovers!) His unmerited, undeserved favor of rescuing me from hell...and His grace of blessing me with a lil' money to operate with on Earth...I realized that I can SURELY spare to donate EACH and EVERY time I see the bell-jingling-smiling-faced-volunteer yell a hearty greeting my way.
Now, of course, I, would say that THE ultimate gift is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Being saved from hell. Now, THAT's a gift!
One more thing...Have you ever seen the movie The Ultimate Gift? It's based on a novel by Jim Stovall. GREAT movie in my opinion. A trust-fund baby (a 20-something year old man) is assigned tasks to complete in order to receive the ultimate gift from his recently deceased grandfather. While completing the tasks the young man learns some valuable lessons and helps people along the way. Ok, so it's not a Christmas movie but the title sounds seasonal, right?
Rushing. Being in a hurry. I'm not always successful when I'm in a rush. Last night is a classic example of this..in my mad dash from home I ran my car up on the sidewalk (maybe I hit a drain too?), came down, and ended up with two flat tires...bummer. All because I was in a hurry. Wasn't going to be late but ended up being late. This didn't even lend a good story. Who would believe this report? My car's tires weren't suddenly flattened out of "normal" circumstances...like an angry co-worker slashing my tires in the parking lot. As I sat on the side of the road with my hazard lights blinking waiting for my friends Tina and Clark, I thought of how this related to the Gospel.
I was driving home from some work I had to do and it was pretty late. Ok, so it was 11 pm. Late but not too late for me. My mind started thinking about the warm, thermal blanket on my bed, my pillow, the alarm clock...you get my drift. I was ready to go TA SLEEP! Then it hit me: "No, I will wash the dishes first and then prepare for bed." I was pleasantly surprised by this idea. "Yes, I will do that." Ya see, my housemate Tina prefers that the dishes are washed at night so that in the morning she does not have to wake up to a sink full of dirty dishes. A year ago, dem jokas woulda still been in da sink and she would have had to have dealt wit it and kept it movin'. BUT GOD!!!
Have you met "the One"? I have. His proposal was/is/will be the best EVER. I couldn't believe how much He loved me. He STILL loves me. He will ALWAYS love me. When I first heard of Him, I thought He was...ya know...AIGHT. He sounded like a real' good Dude. I was young when I heard about Him. I thought I'd start chillin' wit Him. The more time I spent wit Him - whether it was just He and I or we were with other people - I saw more and more of how beautiful He was. He was awesome. He awed me. His character was SOOO much better than my own.
I have a certain appreciation for other bloggers who seek to live lives that glorify the Christ. Check out this post from Kyle Tower's blog entitled, "God's Plan Isn't About You." Good stuff.
If you're like me, your prayer life seems to go through drought and flood season. Sometimes I feel stuck in a dry season in which I am praying for the same things day after day. It becomes rather "routine." The only new things I seem to pray for are things that are brought to my attention by the Holy Spirit or by someone or some event He uses. I believe that God is listening to me, but I sure don't act like it with my little weak prayers. Then sometimes I have rainy, floody prayer seasons in which I pray fervently and continuously for things that pop-up in everyday life. I mean, I take those requests to DA THRONE BBBOOOLLLDDDLLLYYY! I pray all over-around-and-through those requests with earnest expectation that God CAN and WILL answer them. During those times I have the feeling of "I know there ain' NOTHIN' my GOD cain't (aka can't) do! HALLELUJAH!" I mean, I know that-I know that-I KNOW-that I know!
If you go through those seasons like me...or maybe this never happens to you but you just want some ideas on things to pray for...check out this. It's from desiringgod.com and entitled "What to Pray For." During my week of intentional prayer, I spent some time praying through some of this list. Thank God for it! Will you also take the time to pray for some, if not all, of the things on this list? Pray fervently with earnest expectation that God will answer!
Are you an internet busy body? Whew! Lord, have MERCY! I must confess that I have become one. Lord, forgive me! Check out this article from theresurgence.com.
Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation? Sure you have. Well...maybe you have. I have. Sometimes I heard something I really didn't need to know and sometimes I heard something that pleasantly surprised me and even came in handy. For instance, once I overheard a conversation about a volunteer opportunity that rrrreeeaaalllyyy interested me. So, I signed up! Ha-ha! What would it be like if someone eavesdropped on a conversation between two people about the Gospel?
Pay Day! You ever felt like this after 2 weeks of work? I know many people have direct deposit now so they don't get a physical check but if you've ever gotten an actual pay check before...think back with me...you FINALLY got that job and you were a bit more excited about getting the money than anything else..I mean, you had BILLS and stuff! You read the handbook (as a matta of fact you STUDIED dat thang so you would know the ends and outs), went in, did the work to the best of your ability, asked questions, respected and obeyed your boss, worked well with your co-workers, put in extra time to ensure that you did everything you were supposed to do. You put in your hours for every scheduled shift for the 2 week period and were HOPING and PRAYING that you wouldn't have to wait 30 days before gettin dat FIRST check! Either way, whether it was 2 weeks or 30 days you were preparing for PAY Day. When it FINALLY came and your boss handed you that check, he/she also commended you for a job well done. It was a wonderful feeling. I imagine that's how it should be at OUR pay day as believers...
Set the scene. 2:35 pm. Saturday afternoon. Smell of bleach in the background as I walk down the hall and see Ms. O, an 80 year old Russian woman.
Ms. Olga: "Excuse me, Miss. Can you please go through that door for me. They won't let me."
Me: (reads the sign on door: EMPLOYEES ONLY) "I'm sorry, Ms. Olga. I can't go back there either. I don't work here."
Ms. O: "But I really just want those M&Ms right there. See them?"
Me: "Ha-ha, yes, I do."
Ms. O: "So if I watch the door while you buy the M&Ms (slips $2 in my pocket) we should be ok. You can keep the change, Sweet Pea." (She winks at me)
The Bible says that God is holy, holy, holy. Not that He is merely holy, or even holy, holy. He is holy, holy, holy. The Bible never says that God is love, love, love, or mercy, mercy, mercy, or wrath, wrath, wrath, or justice, justice, justice. It does say that He is holy, holy, holy, the whole earth is full of His glory.
Set the scene. 1:39 pm. Friday afternoon. I'm off for the day. Best friend of YEARS (alias Ali) calls.
Me: Hey! Wats up, girl?
Ali: GIRL!!! Guess what?
Me: (Curious now) WHAT?! Good or bad?
Ali: It's REAL good!
Me: First...Ain'tchu at work?
Ali: Yeah, but look, I'm getting married you wanna be my maid of honor?
Ali: Girl you know who, we ain' set no date yet, and we don' even know if we gettin' married fa real but I just wanted to ask you in advance so you can be thinkin' up good stuff for the wedding.
Me: I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER! I thought it was URGENT!
Ali: It IS!!
Me: Are you on break? And why are you callin' me from your work number?
Ali: Naw, I ain't on break... I ain' tryna use my daytime minutes to call you!
Me: Bye!
Ali: Ok, talk to you later! I'll call you back after 9 when my minutes are free.
Be sure to call YOUR friends and those special people in your life just to let them know you care!...when you're NOT at work and when you have plenty of minutes. *chuckles*
Hello there, you! You ever been caught up in the busyness of life and missed out on some of the things you REALLY wanted to do? For example, getting SOOO caught up in going to work, running errands, and planning your social life that you completely miss the beauty of the setting sun? Or maybe you're a student...so busy with classes, homework, projects, extracurricular activities, spending time with friends, trying to find time for facebook, e-mail, and calling home/family? SOOO busy in fact that you miss out on having a meaningful conversation with your next-door neighbor? Or forget to even thank God that He is allowing you to breathe and do all these things.
Hello there! We all probably know someone who we claim is "DOING TOO MUCH." Y'all know what I'm talkin' 'bout! Example...let's call him Bro. Fantastic: a dude that works 50 hours a week as a nurse in the children's ward, volunteers each week tutoring a child, is a Big Brother in Big Brothers Big Sisters, active in his church planning youth events and teaching the youth class in Sunday School, actually has a relationship with the Lord, disciplin' a dude from the youth ministry, spends a few hours every Saturday either takin' his grandma grocery shopping or visiting the sick and shut-in and sharing the Gospel wit da young brothas he runs into in da neighborhood.
UM....HELLO??!?! He's doing A LOT! You may be thinking, "Ok so he must have EXTRA brownie points wit Jesus. Peter is ALREADY waitin' for him at da Pearly Gates to give him a personal tour around New Jerusalem that includes a chariot-ride with St. Paul 'n nem. Mmm-hmm..."
Hello dere! Great readers..."Givin' honor to God, the pastor, associate ministers, deacons, saints, friends, visitors...did I miss anybody? Oh, to the readers of this dear blog. :) I just wanna say one thang to y'all this aftanoon...give me my flowers whilst I can still SMELL them! Y'all be blessed."
Ever heard that before? Ok, so maybe not in a theatrical way but you get the point. Give people all the props, acclaim, kudos, appreciation, and so forth while y'all have time together on this earth. Don't wait til something happens to them to tell the WORLD how much you love that person. For instance, I spend time with my extended family cuz I wanna enjoy them NOW while the Lord extends His grace for us to have time together. I give flowers to Momma J while she can still SEE them. I mail sweet notes to the ones I care for so they know NOW that I care about them. I tell that lady in the parking lot that she looks nice in case no one else has. I let the manager of the mom-n-pop shop know I think he da bomb-dot-com in case he's had a hard day dealin' with FOLK.
This isn't in perfect context but I'm reminded of this verse... "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galations 6:10 (ESV)
Person A: Flowers?
Person B: Oh YES! Give me dem joints now! I 'preciate it!
Hey loves! Hello there! L-O-V-E...L-O-V-E...LOVVVVEEEE. Mmmm...so many wonderful connotations are associated with this word for me. Romantic relationships, family relationships, real friends, passion for an organization/field of study/ministry/sport/artist....so many things. But the REAL meaning of love that really distinguishes it from others is the genuine action that comes from LOVE. The Bible on love:
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;itdoes not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends...
-1 Corinthians 13:4-8
A very familiar passage but still VERY important. Something else on love from the Good Book:
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. -1 John 3:18
Of course there are MANY more verses of Scripture about love. One of my favorite examples of love (other than God sending Christ to die for us) comes fromColleen Townsend Evans in her book, Love is an Everyday Thing. Ms. Townsend describes the ordeal of a woman who's husband leaves her for another woman. Ok, so maybe you think: typical. He probably got sick and the ex-wife took care of him. But this story is soooo much more compelling...
HELLLOOOOO OWWWT THERE! Hope you are doing very well. Oh, me? I'm fine, thank you. Ha-ha-ha. Ok, so I read an article in the September issue of Ebony magazine in which the writer talked about "collecting experiences" rather than possessions. Ya know? That makes so much sense. I actually practice this but hadn't thought of terming it "collecting experiences." I have found that this is much more fulfilling for me than buying a bunch of things. Ya see, I really do NOT like clutter (I mean, my space is cluttered at times BUT STILL. I don't like clutter) and when I have a bunch of things they tend to create clutter for and to me. I like simplicity.
For example, I had lunch with a spunky cousin of mine recently and even though the meal hit my wallet like a train wreck that I stood and watched I REALLY enjoyed the time we spent together. And food doesn't tend to stick around like a new bag, shoes, clothing, TV, book, magazine (I got that copy of Ebony from the library...so I was able to return them their stuff), hat, hair extensions, piece of exercise equipment...ok, I think you get my drift. I would rather spend my time and money gathering experiences with people I care about and love than on something that I really don't need. Don't get me wrong, the aforementioned items may be something that I pick up (I will definitely need a new pair of sneakers soon the way my current pair are lookin'!) but they don't give me as much pleasure as time spent with people.
Some experience ideas I'd like to tackle:
1) Learning more about some of the elderly people I know (their lives; asking them about certain decisions they made; old desires, etc)
2) Serving a meal at a local soup kitchen
3) A cross-country trip with a north-western stop in Alaska
4) Preparing a meal with a loved one
5) Making Christmas cards with little kids to hand out at a local hospital or nursing home
What experiences would you like to collect? Ponder that...
Bonjour! Er...hello there! I had the International Passport crepes from IHOP tonight so I'm still a lil' Frenchy. A connection to the last post about fathers: I was just looking at an article about a documentary that follows young women who grew up without their biological fathers. I'd really like to see it now. Check out the link to the article from Essence.com Daddy Issues.
On to today's topic...change...
No, not that type of change! Not like a makeover but REAL genuine change. The backdrop to this post: a friend of mine is in a serious relationship and I'm concerned about how this will affect our friendship. I'm a die-hard friend (I admit) so change for me is not always...hmmmm....not always embraced. L-O-L. BUT, change can be fantastic! Think of all the great things I'll be able to do if they get married (YES, the things that I [!!!] will be able to do when THEY marry). 1) I'll be able to attend an awesome wedding (I'm a sucka fo' da' cake)...2) Maybe I'll become a godmother!...3) I'll have a new place to visit...4) Maybe I'll gain a new friend in the person of their spouse...and another person to share the GOSPEL with! If the Lord saves HER (the potential spouse), then maybe He will use her to be an influence for Him to affect the husband (AY GLORY!)...umm....see 1 Corinthians 7:13-16.
Now I know changes can take many forms...maybe I'll talk about those over a period of time. Today I wish to talk about a change of perspective. When one's perspective changes in a positive way...THINGS CAN SEEM SOOOO much betta! To borrow an example from Katt Williams (no endorsement intended)...if you're stressed out about a light bill, think about how you can finally burn those 12 candles you got in the drawer. Don't STRESS! Just burn the candles til you can pay it! Or go to a community assistance center where they can pay the bill for you! Don't make that thing a habit doe!
Gospel point: When the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see your sin and to view it the way God sees it...SWEWWWW...You'll be like Brutha Dave, the writer of the majority of the Psalms - repenting with a contrite spirit! (I HOPE.) And this can drive you to spend more time in prayer, more time in the Word, more time with the Lord and spend more time sharing dat News you call Good with others cuz you know what DEPRAVITY is.
Alright now! Are YOU courageous? Hello there! So, Sherwood church is getting good at this movie-making thing. Still making faith-based movies that are making strides in the mainstream. When I first saw an ad for this one, I could hardly wait til its September 30 debut. Have you seen it?! If not, please do! Check out this song for the movie by Casting Crowns:
The movie takes a good look at fatherhood from the perspective of 5 dads. Christianity Today even did a lil' spotlight on da jank (within an article about how Sherwood and Mt. Zion [a predominantly black congregation] are working together to help bridge the racial divide in Albany, GA). Anywho, enough about the magazine article (you should check it out, though!! I'm sayin'...). Fatherhood...whew...Lord Jesus, have mercy! Jesus had(has/will have) the Ultimate Dad. It even seems like he had a half-way decent earthly father in the person of Joseph (aka Joe da builder. Shout out to carpenters and construction workers!). So, what in the world can a Christian film say about the state of fatherhood in America? A WHOLE lot, mannn! Watch the movie and you'll see! Even if you gotta wait for it to drop on Blueray, DVD, Netflix, Redbox...just please no bootleg. HA-HA.
Some thoughts: fatherhood, especially within the black context, is an issue that is often talked about. Come on now! Dads, please, stick around and play an active role in your children's lives. WE NEED Y'ALL! We need y'all to love your wives as Christ loved the church (E-FIIIIIVEE!!!) [Ephesians 5]. To teach them about God (according to Scripture!) [Ephesians 6:4]. To train them up correctly (there's sum'in bout dat daddy discipline that can put da fear uh God in you sho' nuff!) [Proverbs 22:6]. To love them (and show it!) and have compassion on them [Psalm 103:13...maybe a stretch but I think you get the picture]. To spend time with your kids. To be a role model. Show them what a man who follows Christ is supposed to be like. And by all means...don't try to do it by yaself! This flesh is A BEAST! Ask God to help you! The Holy Spirit is called the Helper (I mean, He CAN help you be a good father, too!). Enlist the help of others to be praying for you, giving you good advice, sharing tips. Even attend dad-friendly help sessions. Maybe not the manliest thing to do but who knows what good stuff you could learn??
I ain' no dad, but c'mon men. We need you. We love you.
Hello there, people! OH my GOODNESS. It's been so long since my last post. I really didn't feel like I had anything meaningful to post during my "hiatus." Ha-ha-ha. But now...I'MMMM BACKKKKK. At least for today.
You ever felt like that in regards to your time with the Lord though? Like..."it's been SOO long." So long since I've rested in Your presence. So long since I've delighted myself in Your Word. So long since I've shared that News I call Good with another. So long since I've really PRAYED for those in authority...for my neigbor...for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Ok. This is embarrassing. But true at times.
You ever felt like that? Be honest? Your connotation of "SO LONG" could only be a day...or maybe it's a few days...or weeks...
Either way...let's repent and GET IT IN WITH HIM!
Peace. Love. And Joy...only obtained by abiding in Jesus, allowing God to prune ya, and letting God produce that fruit....AYYYYYYYYYY Glory. Mmmhmmmmmm.
Hello hello there! When I first heard this song early in the summer, I LOVED it! It took a while for the first few verses to grow on me and then as the singer tied it all together...GLORY...TO...GOD!!! Please take a listen.
It can be so easy to want to take the lead in our own lives. That's what our sin-nature drives us to do. But the Lord, in His awesome splendor, the One who knows it ALL, and who knows what's best for us and for ALL...it is HIM that we should allow to lead us.
Hello there. Check out this real' smooth pic of this dude:
His name is Willie C. Frazier, III and I'm told that he's a really busy guy in his senior year at Virginia Tech preparing for medical school. Wow, right? Well, Girl Wit a Church Hat tips her hat to this guy!
Anyway, while everyone cannot look this fly on the outside, they can still be fly on the inside. How? By accepting Christ and living for Him. Once we accept Him we receive eternal life, bay-bay! Giving us what we need to "fly." Maybe the imagery is a little corny but I think you get it. Are you fly?!
Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live' – John 11:25-26 ESV.
For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life – John 3:16 ESV.
Hello there people. So, I'm angry. I don't really care what they say. At least, that's how I feel. You ever felt like this? Lecrae's song "Anger Management" describes this so well to me. Working in urban ministry, one can run into many young people (and adults) who carry anger, hurt, bitterness, resentment, and a host of other things on themselves like a chip on their shoulder. Situations in this life can take place that cause us to feel these ways...well, that all depends on how we handle the situations...how we deal with them...or rather, how we choose to deal. People can do and say things to us that have negative effects and results on our hearts, minds, and bodies for years, and even lifetimes, that damage us. Being raped; lied to; lied on; cheated on; hurt; talked about; robbed; beat up; mistreated; etc. Sometimes we hurt ourselves. Sometimes we cause the hurt. Maybe yours is similar to another problem of mine - you keep doing and saying things you don't want to do or say and that just makes you more angry. I'm reminded of Paul saying:
For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
-Romans 7:15-20 (ESV)
But he also said in verses 24-25: "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Yes. Thank God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who can and will help us through all of our struggles - including anger and resentment. Giving it all to Him and telling Him how we feel is extremely helpful. He's the ultimate Counselor. Sometimes it is helpful and downright necessary to talk to someone - a trusted friend, counselor/therapist, etc. - to help us during these times. It's very helpful to talk to one who is a Christian and has been walking with the Lord for a while; one who has wisdom.
It's inenvitable - we will get angry, but we don't have to sin when we get angry. "Be angry,and do not sin;
ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah" (Psalm 4:4). As long as we live on this earth in this flesh with other people made of clay...we will get angry. Let's choose to have the Lord help us to do da right thang. We can't help what other people do or say to us but we can pray for them and (as much as depends on us) avoid situations and people that we know will make us angry. Let's make sure that the Lord's name is made great in the way we handle our anger, people.
Go to the throne Thursday! Ever heard this song? If not, listen to it! No matter what you're going through...keep the faith...don't give up...it's only a test! 'Nough said...
Hello there! This song by one of the fabulous Clark sisters, Dorinda, has me groovin’ and wondering whether I should be clappin' or choutin’ or doin’ the Electric Slide or somethin’. Is that ok? *Picks up a tambourine instead.* I like this song, ok?
Over the years the Clark sisters have been queens of praise in the Gospel music industry with deep roots from their mother, Dr. Mattie Moss Clark. Thank God for blessing them to sing for Him!
I gotta give it back to Him. Everything. He’s so worthy of it all. Everything He’s blessed me with should be used to make Him famous. My life. The gifts and talents He’s given me. The home He’s blessed me with. My relationship and frienships. The food. My car. My bike. My money. My computer (*wink wink*). My time. Even my thoughts. My hopes. My dreams. I gotta share all these with others in ways that show Him to others. I just want Him to be exalted in every area of my life.
I even want Him to be exalted in the way I handle things. If He places me in a certain situation – whether it’s a conflict with someone, in the midst of a tough decision, financial situation, or WHATEVER! – I want to give it to Him so that His Holy Spirit can work in and through me to ensure that the way I handle it brings Him glory so that people will say and ask things such as, “Wow. She gave God all the credit.” “What is it about God that makes her give Him the credit?” “Tell me more about this Jesus you speak of.” “God did what?! You think He can do that for me?” Then I can give them the Gospel and He can be exalted EVEN MORE! YA-ESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello there! Ever felt a little...how you say...blue? Aka "down"..."heavy"..."low"...? All of those? Well, it happens to the best of us! Sometimes one can feel so overwhelmed and feel like no one understands or can help us. Sometimes we cause ourselves to feel this way because of extra pressures/stresses we add to our own lives. Sometimes we gotta cut some things out of our lives. I was feelin' a lil' down because of some things going on in my life, and I was at the brink of tears. Low points are hard on us. As I looked up from the "miry clay" (I actually felt like I was so low that I had to remove the dirt that buried me to look up...NOW THAT'S LOW!) the Holy Spirit reminded me that these "light afflictions" are only temporary. Just like the entry before this one. And God is all I need! He IS gonna work things out! So ya know...I'm gonna rest in Him. Yeah...gonna chill wit my Dude. My Savior. The Almighty Supreme who owns da BIZNESSSS!!!! No matter what it looks like I'm gon' trust HIM! That's a good place to chout right der'!
I also found this lil' diddy that had me rockin' to da left wit it ayyyy! It's kinda cute. For your listening pleasure...
On a better note, look up to HIM who strengthens us!
I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD. Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust, And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered.
-Psalm 40:1-5 (NKJV)
Hello there! I'm groovin' to Enough by KB. Have you heard it? Let your ears devour the words if you've never heard it...
Is God enough? During my reading of Psalm 73 I could really identify with David's words. At times it seems like the wicked are doin' JUST FINE! Seems like thangs are all gravy and all good for them and here I am, a child of the King, GOING THROUGH! I know that the Lord is sovereign and in control and that Psalm 37 (hey! 73 and 37!) complements this Psalm and builds me up! The Word says in Psalm 34:19 that "Many are the afflictions of the righteous BUT" (!!!) [Church of God in Christ version] "the LORD (!!!!!!) delivers him out of them allllllll"! HE REALLY IS IN CONTROL! He's got it! No matter what things look like the Lord will work it all out for His glory and for our (Christians') good. As believers we will go through various trials and such (that's a given; the enemy is trying to thwart us!) and life in general will have its ups, downs, and all-around heart-aches along with the joys and happy things.
And ya know what? He is ENOUGH. I am reminded of the words "You're more than enough for me" from a popular Christian song. Glory to His wonderful Name. He guides me with His counsel...and I have none in heaven but Him (personal paraphrase of Psalm 73:24-25). My prayer for myself is found in the latter part of verse 25, that "there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." Lord, help me to desire NO ONE or NOTHING more than I DESIRE YOU!
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strengthof my heart and my portion forever
-Psalm 73:26 (ESV)
Desire Him.
Til next time,
P.S. I was not trying to endorse any denomination or organization over another by mentioning the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). Their preaching style just really emphasized my point REALLLLLLY well at that moment. :) Thanks, U.M.
Hello there! Ya know, just when I thought that blogging was over-rated...I began a new entry. Ha-ha-ha! I've read that blogging is so popular because it connects people. It provides a sort of community. I write something, you read it. If you respond with a comment or a criticism we can enter some sort of dialogue with one another and share experiences. In a sense, we can help each other. Right? Hopefully so. My intent in writing this blog is to express some things and to help you (the reader) and myself. Shall we?
For instance, take the picture shown here. I know it may look a bit corny but check it out. All these people of different backgrounds (and let's use our imaginations here), different socio-economic statuses and such...all connecting and reaching out to each other. In a perfect world, that's how it would work. From a biblical perspective, that's how the church should look. Different people all working together and reaching out to people who are not believers. A community of believers. Sharing things with each other. Praying for one another. Being open and honest about life and what the Lord is doing in their lives. Being honest about their sin and their heartache and their failures. Encouraging one another. Building each other up. Rebuking one another when necessary. Communing with their God each and every (yes EACH and EVERY) day. Abiding in Him. Trusting, believing, and expecting God to do HUGELY, AMAZING things. Sharing time and space with one another AND with people who need to know the love of Christ. Who need to hear the Gospel. To see it lived out. To see Christ through us. Don't just blog or read blogs because you enjoy them or because you want that sense of community. Blogs are over-rated. Establish and work on community in real life. And post comments about the community building you're doing with other believers to reach a dying world for Christ.
Hello there! Do you live on the East Coast like I do? If so...YOOOO...did you feel that earthquake or the tremors from it? That was ridiculously startling! Whew! I was sitting on the bed when that mattress began wobbling and I thought, "Oh no! Is this THE DAY?!" I started asking for forgiveness and ALL THAT just IN CASE I'd forgotten to confess something. Ha-ha-ha! He's still coming back one day...I'm just glad it wasn't that day! But we should actually eagerly await the return of Christ and especially the rapture before the Tribulation...
Then today came and I looked at my news feed on Facebook and saw all these seemingly exciting things that were happening in the lives of my friends and I became envious. While things are picking up on the missionary front and my life has been satisfyingly busy at the moment, I still found myself envying my friends' profile pictures in exotic places and the "cool people" it seemed like they were hanging out with and how happy they seemed to be. With pictures and news of weddings, engagements, babies, statuses about how happy some were to be married or how some had enjoyed the day with his/her significant other, family vacay photos, road trips and such...I began to think that my own life was hum-drum and a bit...*gasps!* boring. I even kind of mentally rolled my eyes a little and thought, "They can't be THAT happy." Then I thought, "What am I doing?! Why am I thinking this?!" I also asked the Lord to forgive me for envying others. I'm happy that my friends are enjoying their lives and the things/opportunities God has blessed them with!
I also started to think about the many goals and dreams the Lord has placed in my heart and mind. So many that I almost feel like I will need TWO lifetimes to do all of those things. But ya know what? The God who gave me those goals and dreams knows exactly how long my life will be and what things I really will accomplish. I praise Him for giving me those desires. Even if I don't accomplish them all on this side of glory, I know that He will still be glorified. Maybe I'll just have to write all of them down so that many other people can see the vision and become a part of what God is doing in my life and what He can do in theirs...
Hellooooooo 'der! Just about all summer I've wanted to go to the beach. To lounge, read a magazine, eat a packed lunch, maybe ride a tandem bicycle with a buddy, splash around in the ocean, build a sand castle, watch the sun set, look for an opportunity to share the Gospel, ya know, the usu-well...ha-ha-ha. I've longed to go but never made it. It's not too late. I even thought about getting up MAJORLY early one morning and maneuvering down to the shore. Still haven't made it.
Thinking about my longing for the beach makes me wonder...why don't I long for my heavenly home this way? I should long for heaven MORE than I long for the beach. Heaven - the place where I can be with my Savior, my God...without a care. The place where there are no more tears. No more dying. No more heartache. No more sickness. No more disease. WOW. Lord, I pray that you would increase my desire and longing for You and the place You've prepared for me...
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling placeof God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:1-4).
Glory to His MATCHLESS Name. This is where I should long to be.
'Ello there mates! Ok, so ya got me...I don't actually have an accent. I stated in an earlier post that I'm from the South so that just about rules out that accent in the intro BUT you'd better believe that I have a Southern accent! Anyway, summer is one of those interesting seasons for the missionary front (on my end anyway). It all depends on what outreaches are happening, who sets a date for door-to-door evangelism, what days we are visiting the sick and so forth. You'd think I was busy this summer then, right? WRONG. And ya know what? I haven't nearly been as busy as I'd like to have been. Being a missionary (well, a full-time one) requires money, dough, that green, moo-lah (get my drift?) and right now, I don't have that dolla-dolla bill y'all. So, alas, I've allowed that to be an excuse to hold me back from doing so much and have limited my evangelism efforts to conversations I have with people that I know aren't Christians. But don't judge me! What's YOUR excuse? Have you been sharing that News you call GOOD lately? If you haven't, GET OFF THE BANDWAGON! Open your eyes to the many possibilities the Lord has given us to share the Gospel. Maybe money isn't your excuse (I'm gonna have to stop using it as mine) but EVERYONE usually has SOME sort of excuse. If you are actively sharing the Gospel and have no room for improvement then start your own blog so the saints can be encouraged! Ha-ha-ha. Seriously. Start it and post a link in the comments section.
So, the opportunities we have are limitless. Let's first REPENT for not sharing the Gospel as often as we should. Let's ask the Lord to forgive us and ask for HIS HELP in making changes. Let's also pray that He would open our eyes to the opportunities to share our faith that He presents (eh-hem...pray for opportunities, too). Ok. Now that that's settled. Let's think up some creative ways to share our faith. Feel free to post some here in the comments section so we can all learn something.
1. Find out local hospitals'/nursing homes' policies on visiting patients/residents. Who knows how God can use a simple conversation with someone needing a friend? And offer to pray for the people you visit. Gather the kids to make cards and give those out. And while you're at it, take the kids with ya! They need to be involved in the adventure of evangelism and see adults actively living out their faith (I mean, live it out in every way, not just by sharing the Gospel. Kids can smell a hypocrite...)
2. Colleges all over the country are getting ready to start Fall classes. Why not grab a friend and go share your faith on the campus? Take some cookies or something. College kids LOVE free stuff.
3. A FREE car wash! I know. It sounds erroneous since I just mentioned how money isn't a strong point for me now BUT this could be something for you folks who DO have the resources for it. Or maybe you could talk to someone involved with community outreach or evangelism at your church? You could talk to people as they wait to have their cars washed. Or have a community barbecue? Or have the barbecue AND the car wash and talk to people as they eat and wait. And what's all that without a lil' Christian music playing, huh?
4. Reach out to your neighbors. Maybe schedule a day once a week or bi-monthly to visit your neighbors. Talk, maybe share a meal, get to know them. Offer to pray for them. Build good ties and look for doors to share your faith with them. Commit to praying for them daily.
5. Ok so this one isn't EXACTLY along the same lines but...HELP SUPPORT A MISSIONARY. I mean, my goodness! As they continue to serve locally and internationally they need funds to continue. Whether you make a one-time gift or commit to monthly giving IT HELPS! People overseas need Bibles and bicycles! So please give! These missionaries are taking the Gospel to places we cannot even imagine. And at the very least PRAY FOR THEM! Please :)
I know you can google "Creative Evangelism Ideas" and find THOUSANDS more ideas so don't hold back on doing so! I really like the above ideas. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving me those. I know that the Lord will provide the money I need. While I'm waiting, I will still share His glorious Gospel. Blessed be dat Name.
Til next time,
P.S. I embedded this video of this great artist Thi'sl's song entitled Urban Missionary. The 'hood needs the Gospel! Praying about moving there to be a light? I hope the Lord says yes!