Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flat but not cast away

Rushing.  Being in a hurry. I'm not always successful when I'm in a rush.  Last night is a classic example of my mad dash from home I ran my car up on the sidewalk (maybe I hit a drain too?), came down, and ended up with two flat tires...bummer.  All because I was in a hurry.  Wasn't going to be late but ended up being late.  This didn't even lend a good story.  Who would believe this report?  My car's tires weren't suddenly flattened out of "normal" an angry co-worker slashing my tires in the parking lot. As I sat on the side of the road with my hazard lights blinking waiting for my friends Tina and Clark, I thought of how this related to the Gospel.
God sent Jesus to the rescue - literally.  He rescued us from hell, right?  God sent Tina and Clark to my rescue.  We have no righteous apart from Christ - we have HIS righteousness. Tina gave me her car to use so that I could get to work.  Apart from her doing this, I had no car.  I believe it was Lecrae that used the line "four flats on a lac."  A Cadillac.  I thought about this as I sat anxiously on the side of the road even though the Word tells us to be anxious for nothing...hmm...if a Cadillac, considered to be a luxury vehicle, had four flat tires, we would probably laugh, look at it and consider it pitiful.  Even the most impressive car is just a car.  It's still prone to have its parts wear out and need repairs...and if it's involved in an accident, the dent will show.  No need to cast away the whole car if it only needs 4 new tires.  Buying the new tires is cheaper than replacing the entire vehicle.  Kinda like a human...even the most "impressive" human is still made of clay.  We will mess up, wear out, need rest and repairs, and the whole nine but God does not cast us away just because of these things.  His love, mercy, and grace are abundant and just like Tina and Clark bestowed undeserved favor on me to come get me, replace the tires, and lend me her car...Christ has done soo much more for us.



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