Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Change is good...well...

Bonjour!  Er...hello there!  I had the International Passport crepes from IHOP tonight so I'm still a lil' Frenchy.  A connection to the last post about fathers:  I was just looking at an article about a documentary that follows young women who grew up without their biological fathers.  I'd really like to see it now.  Check out the link to the article from Daddy Issues.

On to today's topic...change...

No, not that type of change! Not like a makeover but REAL genuine change.  The backdrop to this post:  a friend of mine is in a serious relationship and I'm concerned about how this will affect our friendship.  I'm a die-hard friend (I admit) so change for me is not always...hmmmm....not always embraced. L-O-L.  BUT, change can be fantastic!  Think of all the great things I'll be able to do if they get married (YES, the things that I [!!!] will be able to do when THEY marry).  1) I'll be able to attend an awesome wedding (I'm a sucka fo' da' cake)...2) Maybe I'll become a godmother!...3) I'll have a new place to visit...4) Maybe I'll gain a new friend in the person of their spouse...and another person to share the GOSPEL with!  If the Lord saves HER (the potential spouse), then maybe He will use her to be an influence for Him to affect the husband (AY GLORY!)...umm....see 1 Corinthians 7:13-16.

Now I know changes can take many forms...maybe I'll talk about those over a period of time.  Today I wish to talk about a change of perspective. When one's perspective changes in a positive way...THINGS CAN SEEM SOOOO much betta!  To borrow an example from Katt Williams (no endorsement intended)...if you're stressed out about a light bill, think about how you can finally burn those 12 candles you got in the drawer.  Don't STRESS!  Just burn the candles til you can pay it! Or go to a community assistance center where they can pay the bill for you! Don't make that thing a habit doe!

Gospel point: When the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see your sin and to view it the way God sees it...SWEWWWW...You'll be like Brutha Dave, the writer of the majority of the Psalms - repenting with a contrite spirit!  (I HOPE.)  And this can drive you to spend more time in prayer, more time in the Word, more time with the Lord and spend more time sharing dat News you call Good with others cuz you know what DEPRAVITY is.

Til next time,


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