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We climbed this! Table Mountain! book-a-bash.com |
Happy New Year!!!!!!! Usually the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year bring thoughts and reflections of the year that passed (or is that just on TV shows when they showcase the New Year's Eve party??). Anywho, with this chilly (or dare I say chilling) weather, my mind sometimes wishes for the heat of summer. I can remember summers in college spent serving the Lord and others. Such good times...full of new friends, adventure, and oh-so-much-growth.
One summer, I went to South Africa for a mission trip. It was veryyyy evangelistic, and I learned so much!
Here are some things I learned that summer:
1. I realllllly like to talk about myself.
2. I need to shut up and listen to others.
3. I should ask more questions about others. People LOVE to talk about themselves! And when you ask questions (and are genuinely interested!), people feel valued!
4. American culture really does influence the poorest parts of the world...not in a great way.
5. The Lord has abundantly blessed America with beautiful landscapes, wealth, food, education, ETCCC.
6. The GOOD NEWS is still GOOD.
7. I don't know as much about the Bible as I thought, so SHUT UP and GLEAN from those who are more spiritually mature.
8. The Word is so RICH!!!
9. South Africa is extremely beautiful.
10. People always make or break a place.
11. Roll with the punches...and be flexible cuz change is inevitable.
Ok, ok. I had some fun as well! Bought some souvenirs...the whole nine. At the end of the five weeks though, it was time to return to the U.S. I have never been the same. I now see the great disparities that exist in this country within education, wealth distribution, access to healthcare...so much. These are even some of the areas I fight for changes in now as a community organizer. And the things I learned that summer, and beyond, help me to still share the Gospel with WORDS.
Praise the Lord for the opportunity to still serve Him and others in my everyday life.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Phil 2:3-4 (one of the passages of Scripture we meditated on in the group I was a part of that summer)
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