Friday, February 15, 2013

Picture time!

My silly cousin on the left with our Grandma
Some days I just wanna be silly. Ya know? Those days when you're with people who know you well, and you know them (like the show Cheers, lol) and you can just let you hair down (or take your hair off)...throw yo' head back and laugh til your sides, cheeks, and stomach HURT!!!!!! Here's to being with the people you love and enjoying yourself this weekend.

Happy Friday!!!!!



Wow this post! I feel that way right now. Sometimes we get so caught up in life the rights the wrongs and the lefts. I miss the innocence of life. When bugging my grandfather to buy me random things I would later lose without my stone fist grandmothers knowledge was my single concern. When talking about conflict with my sister and dicussing boys with my cousin was enough action for me. When life just involved living so fearlessly. What I would give to lay through a thunderstorm again, on the floor of my grandparents den as they discussed serious life matters, shhhhed my sister and I, and I pretended to understand. Life. Luckily we don't do it alone. Although I don't get to see you or talk to you as often as I would like. I carry you in my heart everyday. I think of you and pray for you more often than you know. The fact that I'm reading your blog today is stands testament to how often I miss you without your knowledge. You have always led me by example and I'm so proud to say not only do I know you, but that the blood that runs through my veins is shared with you.

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