Monday, May 23, 2016

Prayer journal

Over the past year I started more regularly keeping a prayer journal. I had heard yearssss ago that it was a great way to keep track of your prayers and when they were answered. I'm lazy and a procrastinator about many things... this was no different.

About 3 years ago a good friend of mine challenged me to step up my "prayer life". At first I was insulted. We barely knew each other at that point and I thought, "How DARE he?! I PRAY! How you gon' challenge me to step up my prayer life?!" I led the prayer team in a ministry I was a part of years earlier. However, I hadn't been praying as much as I should have around the time my friend put forth his appeal. Truth be told, the Holy Spirit had been nudging me to pray more so I knew that this guy was on point. I pushed pride out of the way and brought my flesh under subjection.

I went to a prayer conference at my church the following year and won a journal as a door prize. I figured I might as well turn it into a prayer journal. I wrote very little in it that year (2014). By 2015... told you I was a procrastinator... I had started to mark that puppy up as I saw how the Lord was answering my prayers! The more He answered and I wrote it down, the more I wanted to pray!

You see, it wasn't that the Lord only answered when I wrote them down; it was that I had a record of His work in my life that I could refer to. And don't be fooled; not every prayer got a "yes". Some got a "no" and I was a little disappointed but glad to hear from the Lord.

As I began to check off answered prayers, I grew excited about the work He was doing that was exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ask or think!

Do you keep a prayer journal?


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