Friday, March 8, 2013

Reality show

At the beginning of my job training, I had to find a place to live for 50 days. Who has training for only 50 days? Usually you hear of even numbers like "30 days," "90 days," ya know...but 50? Where was I supposed to live for 50 days? With complete strangers? is on the left. Praise the Lord for grace! She turned out to be pretty nice! The other guy, not pictured of course, turned out to be ok, too...well, he did some things I wouldn't agree with and ended up in jail..but he didn't hurt the two of us pictured...P..T..L..!!

The 3 of us living together could have been a reality show (although I'm sure most of our lives could bring in ratings). We'd all picked up subleases in the apartment because we just needed a place to stay for the summer (in an apartment that didn't allow subleases). The air conditioning and the toilet worked when they wanted to, and if

Lily was a Ph.D. student who completed her program at the end of the summer. She moved to Baltimore to be with her boyfriend after she crammed most of her belongings into a small SUV, and drove off into the sunset.

Matt, on the other hand, was a pot-smoker who never seemed to pay his bills on time. At almost 30 years old, he was of the punk-gothic type of culture, and held a series of odd jobs while trying to finish his degree at a local community college.

Both of them needed Christ.

And there I was - the lone Christian who worked ridiculous hours trying to prove herself during the job training so that I could make the cut, and ya know, actually keep the job. And there was a constant longing in my heart to share the Gospel with these two roommates.

So I tried.

We didn't see each other often, but when we did, it was usually in the kitchen. We'd be preparing meals or searching the kitchen for food that wasn't there. It was during those times that I asked them spiritual questions about what they thought about God. And I even told Matt one time that maybe one day he'd give God a chance.

Never went into a full Gospel presentation or actually shared my own story, but I pray that God saves them.

Lord, forgive me for not fully sharing the Truth with them. I pray that You would save them and use them for Your glory...Amen.


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