Sunday, July 24, 2011

Simple Evangelism

Well hello there.  Imagine this - you're sent to a foreign land (by God of course.  Don't go without His stamp of approval!), you've been fasting, praying, fasting AND praying, sharing the Gospel with the local people you meet, God saves some of them, He sends laborers, you all pray and fast more, you and the laborers share the Gospel with more people, God saves more...the more you depend on Him the greater the work He does using you in the foreign land.  People are accepting Christ, gettin' delivered and set free from bondage, people are bein' healed (inside and out)...God is doin' the work! Not you! Ah, isn't that refreshing?

Now before you go runnin' the aisles in your local church over this, think about it...have you even shared the Gospel with people you know?  Or people in your community?, the LORD GOD HIMSELF can use you in some (if not all - I ain' tryin' to limit Him!) those same ways described above if you will depend on Him (all that prayin' and fastin' mentioned above).  As an urban missionary, it's easy to get stuck in a comfort zone and be satisfied with what it looks like God is already doing. Or even to think that He's not doing very much.  But oh, there are always WAYS to be stretched!  He is always ready and willing to do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).  BLESSED BE HE! Will you join me on this journey?  To be stretched by the Lord as He uses us to share His GLORIOUS Gospel.  To be honest, He doesn't have to use us.  But isn't it a privilege to serve Him in this way?  It's the least we could do (1 Corinthians 5:20).  Ponder that...

Til next time,


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