Tuesday, January 26, 2016

He is too good fa dat!

God is great, and He is worthy of ALLLLLL our praise! Things in life are not always great or fun but I know that as long as I'm trusting in Him, it will all be ok...even if not until the end.

I've found myself in a complaining mood when I'm supposed to have an attitude of gratitude! Instead of complaining think of something to be thankful for and say that aloud instead!

I'm also believing that God will do some awesome things with work I'm doing in my community. I am banging on heaven's door like the persistent widow in Luke 18. He is too gracious for my murmuring and complaining! I'm gonna trust Him because He's done great things, and I know He ain through yet!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

My babies!

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So I've wanted to be "the cool auntie" for a long time. I finally have gotten my opportunity! No, I don't have a sister or sister-in-law who has kids. Over the last two years, I've gotten a chance to be a part of a family that I started out "serving". Now, they might as well be like "blood family".

I never knew you could fall so in love with someone else's kids! We've gone to the movies, shopping, out to eat, to the park, had sleepovers, done crafts, and much more!

One thing that I used to do when I first started to babysit them was to read a children's book entitled, The Jesus Storybook Bible . It's a wonderful book of Bible stories! They loved it! I need to start taking it again if I ever watch them again as a way to teach them about Jesus. I pray that they would come to accept Christ early in life and be powerful witnesses for Him!
Are you a cool auntie? What do you do with your nieces and nephews?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Update on my struggles: Part 4
"Wow" is an understatement. I have really been out of the loop and I've missed blogging! It's such a great outlet!

I decided to pick up where I left off *cough* two years ago *cough*. Remember that guy I wrote about that I wasn't sure what was gonna happen with? Well, after both of us spent many days in prayer, the Lord told us that we couldn't be together. It was really painful, but we made it through and were committed to being friends until he started to date the woman that he believed would be his wife.

Had we not spent so much time in prayer, we might not have made a wise decision. We wanted to get married, but before we even started dating, we took this matter to the Lord and boy did He answer! And God even used that man to challenge me in my "prayer life". I'll probably never forget how offended I was when he challenged me on this, but I was sure that the Lord was speaking through him because I had sensed that God was pressing me to pray more. To give my cares, worries, and desires to Him. To pray like the persistent widow in Luke 18 and watch him work.

I'm embarrassed to say that I have finally just started to do this in the last year. Let's watch God work!
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