Saturday, February 18, 2017

Listening to the Spirit

"Where is my calendar?!?!"

In my job, I HAVE to have my calendar. We're old school at my job - we don't keep our daily schedules on our phones. So I have a paper calendar...and when I couldn't find it yesterday, I panicked.

"Am I missing a meeting? What am I supposed to be doing right now?"

Pray! "Holy Spirit, I know you know what I'm supposed to be doing right now and what's on my calendar. Would you tell me?"

Of course He did.

I still called the event venue where I had a work event the night before, "Has anyone seen a gray calendar with my name on the front?"


"I know it's there!" I thought. The Holy Spirit showed me where I left it on the seat.

I didn't tell the secretary that thinking she would think I was crazy. I gave her my contact information so she could call me when she found it cuz I knew it was there!

I went home from my office to check there, too, instead of just relying on Him. About 15 minutes after I returned from my apartment, the secretary called me back.

"I found it!" She said.

"Where was it?" I asked.

"In the back of the sanctuary." On the seat.

Right where the Holy Spirit told me. I should've just listened to Him in the first place and gone straight to the event venue where I knew it was. No matter what she said. Another lesson learned in listening to Him...No matter what it looks like. No matter what people say.


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