Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How I saved $1,000 this year pt. 2

...So I took the Financial Peace University class with a girl I knew from my church. It was challenging, inspiring, and pretty fun! We took it at another church because their class schedule worked well for us. We learned the tools that we needed to be think about money God's way including how to:

- set a budget and stick to it
- get out of debt
- save for emergencies and other important purchases,
- invest, and
- give.

The class just really helped me to think outside of my box of how money works and to see possibilities that I never thought of. I learned how to do more with less money in my pocket while saving more in a higher interest savings account. This has been both challenging and awesome! It took a whole lotta discipline and accountability. I now meet with the girl from my church once a month to go over our budgets, goals, exciting money updates, and bitter money failures.

During that class and in the months following, I paid off over $4,000 of debt, completely taking me out of debt. I saved $1,000 for emergencies, then used the money and had to build back up over $1,000 this year.

Now, here's how I saved the $1,000:

I set a budget and have limited the amount of cash (yes, cash) that I can use each month to buy groceries, eat out, hang out with friends, get my hair done, etc...and I've stuck to it for several months. A few slip ups here and there, but I get right back on the bus. I also put aside enough money each month to saved $1,000 this year. By doing that, I've come to the end of the year with over $1,000 in savings, instead of coming to the end of the year with nothing to show for it as I used to! I have also saved for vacation!

Have you taken Financial Peace University? You should check it out! It's a great class (other people are talking about as well!) that I'm sure will change your life, too! Tell 'em I sent you!


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